Cleaning Job Forms, Checklists & Templates

Streamline Your Business with Flexible Forms and Templates

Experience seamless operations and enhanced customer satisfaction with the Cleaners App's drag-and-drop job forms, checklists, and templates.

Commercial cleaner team with web form build checklist illustration

Unlock Efficiency with Smart Forms, Checklists, and Templates

With the Cleaners App, start from one of our many templates in the forms bank and craft custom job forms that align with your cleaning business needs. Whether you're designing a service request, a cleaning checklist, or gathering customer feedback, our intuitive forms makes the process seamless.

Start your 14 day Free Trial

Features That Transform Your Cleaning Business Operations

Form Bank Cleaning Templates

Our Form Bank includes hundreds of templates ready to use. From cleaning job sheets and quality inspection reports to health & safety checklists and time tracking forms, we've got your cleaning business needs covered.

The Power of Drag & Drop Forms

With the Cleaners App, you can create custom job forms tailored to your cleaning business needs. Whether it's a service request form, a cleaning checklist, or a customer feedback form, you can design it with our user-friendly form builder.

Enhance Efficiency with Checklists

Our checklists aim to enhance the efficiency of your cleaning operations. From daily cleaning tasks to safety checklists, we ensure that every task meets the highest standard, while checklists are easy to use and user friendly.

Web Forms for Enhanced Engagement

Harness the power of web forms with the Cleaners App. Easily embed interactive forms on your website, allowing clients to submit service requests, provide feedback, or schedule appointments.

A Day in the Life of a Cleaning Business Using Job Forms, Checklists, and Templates

A Cleaner tidying up a desk
Green Check

Kickstart Your Day with Pre-Designed Templates

Begin your day by selecting from our extensive library of pre-designed templates. Whether you need a cleaning checklist or a customer feedback form, we have a template that fits your needs.

Green Check

Customize Your Forms

Tailor your forms to suit your business requirements. Add or remove fields, change the layout, or even incorporate your branding elements. Our drag-and-drop form builder makes customization a breeze.

Green Check
Deploy Your Forms

Once you're happy with your forms, deploy them to your team. They can access these forms on their mobile devices, fill them out on-site, and submit them instantly.

Green Check
Review Completed Forms

At the end of the day, review the forms completed by your team. With all your data in one place, you can easily track progress, identify areas for improvement, and plan for the next day.

Green Check
Archive and Analyze

All completed forms are automatically archived for future reference. Use the data collected from these forms to analyze trends, make informed decisions, and improve your cleaning services.

A young man looking through the Best Practices Cleaning Industry forms

Best Practice Cleaning Industry Templates at Your Fingertips

Explore Our Cleaning Business Service Templates
Elevate your cleaning business with the Cleaners App, featuring a comprehensive suite of industry-standard templates and forms.

Discover how our ready-to-go templates can transform your business from day one by simplifying administrative tasks and enhancing service delivery. Explore the possibilities within your Cleaners App account today.

Explore Forms and Templates

Get your cleaning business humming

Whether you're looking to customize your own forms or use our ready-to-go templates, the Cleaners App offers a solution that fits your business needs.

Cleaners app platform